Will Endometrial Ablation Affect Intimacy?
Endometrial ablation is a 90-second, FDA-approved procedure that completely stops menstrual bleeding, or nearly so. The Ashford Center has performed 6,000 procedures, with 85-90% of women NEVER having another period. The remaining ~10-15% have a few days of spotting/year. NONE of our patients continue with heavy or bothersome periods!
Just as important, PMS symptomatology also goes away! As explained here, PMS symptoms are triggered by a neuropeptide released from the degrading endometrium, so removing the endometrium stops PMS symptoms.
Vaginal bleeding and PMS symptomatology are not romantic.
When a woman is burdened by vaginal bleeding, along with 1) headaches; 2) mood; 3. Pelvic/Back/Leg Pain; 4. Fatigue; 5) Bloating; 6) Breast Tenderness; 7) Diarrhea; 8) Acne she is generally not interested in intimacy…just the opposite! So, being free from these problems and symptoms enhances the potential for intimacy.
Physical Effects of Endometrial Ablation
A study published in the Journal of Women’s Health shows that female sexual function improves after Endometrial Ablation: “A total of 97 women completed the FSFI and FSDS surveys at baseline and 6 months after ablation. The mean full-scale FSFI score increased from 26.5 to 28.8 (p < .001), improving 5 of 6 FSFI domains. The mean FSDS score decreased from 13.6 to 9.7 (p < .001), showing decreased personal distress regarding sexual function. In assessing quality of life, SF–12 scores improved for global physical function (p < .001) and mental function (p = .002).” Our data is similar, maybe even more improvement than reported by other centers.
What about Libido?
Libido is defined as the desire for sexual intimacy, and the Endometrial Ablation procedure does not directly affect this desire in one way or another. However, vaginal bleeding or being prone to “surprises” is an anxiety-producer and is not conducive to a romantic frame of mind. Also, being anxious and upset, or having migraine headaches, or being extremely tired, or having diarrhea, or having extreme breast soreness dampens a woman’s desire for intimacy. The reverse is also true—feeling normal and period-free are much more conducive to normal libido.
So, what does all this mean?
A woman’s desire for intimacy usually increases after endometrial ablation mainly because some significant burdens in her life are removed. Stimulating or re-activating a woman’s underlying sexual desire is a parallel topic that The Ashford Center can also help with and is further discussed.
Every woman is unique, so bring up these questions with the professionals at The Ashford Center. You’re a young woman, and you need to feel like one!!!
Study Referenced: Female Sexual Function Improves After Endometrial Ablation